This article on API structure essentials is a great resource! It dives into the core concepts of endpoints, inputs, and outputs, which are foundational to effective API design. Understanding these aspects helps in designing APIs that are intuitive, maintainable, and scalable.
Endpoints define the "where" of API interactions, helping clients know where to send requests. Inputs are the "what"—the data clients send to perform actions—while outputs are the results returned by the API, providing feedback or data requested.
One useful addition could be discussing error handling and status codes for better API reliability and usability. Standardizing responses with codes like 200 OK for success, 404 Not Found for missing resources, or 500 Internal Server Error for server issues makes troubleshooting easier for developers. This kind of consistency ensures a smooth experience for clients and helps them anticipate and handle errors effectively.
A great read for anyone aiming to design clean and efficient APIs! Thanks for sharing!